| 1. | United committee of navigation in the boundary rivers of china and russia 中俄国境河流航行联合委员会 |
| 2. | What are the chief rivers of china 那些是中国的首要河流? |
| 3. | Zhengzhou lies in the lower and middle reaches of yellow river , the mother river of china 郑州位于中华民族的母亲河黄河中下游的分界处 |
| 4. | Yellow river , or huang he , is the second longest river of china and the cradle of t . . 黄河流域是中华民族的摇篮,它孕育出博大精深的文. . |
| 5. | Yellow river which is the second big river of china is famous to the world because of high content of bedload 黄河,是我国第二大河流,以泥沙含量高而闻名世界。 |
| 6. | Revelation of the water uses in international rivers of china from the water dispute case on the danube by international court of justice 多瑙河国际水争端仲裁案对我国国际河流开发的启示 |
| 7. | The scb database includes 213 accidents took place in the waters of chang jiang river , heilongjiang river , zhu jiang river of china 在scb数据库中包括我国长江、黑龙江、珠江三大水系等水域自1959年起的213起事故。 |
| 8. | A 10 - disc boxset . yellow river , or huang he , is the second longest river of china and the cradle of the chinese civilizations 黄河流域是中华民族的摇篮,它孕育出博大精深的文化内涵,哺育了亿万炎黄子孙,在中国人心目中有著举足轻重的地位。 |
| 9. | Yellow river , or huang he , is the second longest river of china and the cradle of the chinese civilizations ! this documentary , a joint producti . . 纪录探索队从黄河源头至渤海的艰险旅程,将沿途的大自然景象文化遗产历史事迹及风土民情呈现眼前。 |
| 10. | Narrated by do do cheng in cantonese . a 10 - disc boxset . yellow river , or huang he , is the second longest river of china and the cradle of the chinese civilizations 黄河流域是中华民族的摇篮,它孕育出博大精深的文化内涵,哺育了亿万炎黄子孙,在中国人心目中有著举足轻重的地位。 |